I feel it is important to introduce myself as a woman living in South Africa, because South Africa has been labelled as the most dangerous place for women to live, walk or even be a human;
I hope you can hear me…
one moment I am here sharing this work and the next I could be on a platter subjected to a man’s appetite.
I hope you can hear me…
Statistics in South Africa vary anywhere from 1 in every 9 women have been raped to 1 women every 3 hours is killed,
I hope you can hear me…
so I feel it is important that we speak about the violations and unsafety of women in our country, the stuff that keeps women awake during the day.
I hope you can hear me…
My name is SEHLORANA MOLEBOGEN KEKANA. I have a voice now,
And so I choose to use it, especially when I am afforded platforms,…as a woman… as a victim, I simply cannot keep quiet…
I hope you can hear me…
My work speaks about all the traumatic Memories that haunt us as woman and as victims of gender based violence, and the processes of healing that we then follow
I hope you can hear me…
There are Traumas that never go away, traumas that lay with us in bed, traumas we Try to dream away if we still have the opportunity to dream because unfortunately sometimes we die when we encounter these events.
I hope you can hear me.
Pieces of me