These two drawings work in tandem with a larger series of drawings that have been inspired by a text that was written on the topic of design. The written text was describing design through a series of anecdotes that aim to redefine design within a framework of Artistic practices that have used design like qualities within their work. These drawings were inspired by the nature of quantum field theory phenomenology that describes the microscopic process of collective cohesion between elementary particles, atoms and quarks.
This is a topic that was focalised within Ryoji Ikeda’s Installation Micro\Macro which was displayed through the medium of video/sound installation. The installation was inspired during his residency at CERN- the world’s leading particle physics research facility- which in turn established a particular audio visual language for Ikeda’s Art practice.
Similar to how Ikeda was working in conjunction with various concepts of design and nature I think these drawings function in a similar way. These two bodies of work look to describe the natural phenomenological quality of how small things make up larger things. How the accumulation of various lines, points and marks build a larger image that describes a complex reality in a visual language.
For me this visual language is defined through the process of drawing and mark making, almost like the quality of a blueprint. I think Ikeda works in similar ways, however his visual language is made of sonic frequencies and bits from powerful projectors. However, both my work and Ikeda aim to do the same thing in that they are looking at the natural phenomenon of particles, atoms and quarks. How these little things work on a small scale to make up a clarified complex reality on a larger scale, similar to how the works both work with mediums that define large scale visual realities from the collective work of small scale points, lines or in the case of Ikeda, bit.
These drawings are inspired by the conversation around how nature, however strange, inspires good design within the artistic practice, with a special attention to Ikeda’s installation Micro\Macro as a catalyst for this conversation.