Matsi Wa Lesego is a multidisciplinary artist based in Johannesburg, South Africa. Her work explores the themes surrounding the politics and regimes of memory, home and the human subconscious, using mediums ranging from installation, sculpture, printmaking and publications.
Recognising the complexities of the construction and institution of home through different cultures, her work incites thoughts around what we define home to be, what we need it to be, what it’s not and the psychological implications of those aspects. Wa Lesego’s work reflects the intimacy and fragility of the dynamics of home and how people reside within those paradigms.
The nature of her work interplays between visuals of dark connotations and playfulness to illustrate the intricacies of one’s existence through the conception of the home. Through her practice, she explores exhuming hegemonic ideologies to contribute to discourses that redefine and imagine new ways of memory, home and the human subconscious.
Mama (series)
Monotype Printmaking
89.5cm X 64,8cm (1): 88.5cm X 51.9cm (2): 82cm X 54cm (3)