Kiera Hurford is a Fine Artist, whose current practise focuses on personal experiences and her experience with family. She has found the medium of tapestry to be a useful tool through which she explores ideas of touch, affection, intimacy and memory. 

She focuses on ideas of touch, the denial of touch, and family relationships. She explores the emotional distance she experienced from her father and brother. And how the lack of physical affection she experienced when she was younger has followed her into adulthood and has affected her relationships with males figures.

She refers to her family photographs that show her father and brother touching and embracing. She creates paintings on calico, and then sews into the painting using wool. The intimacy of the act of creating the tapestry versus the lack of intimacy in the photographs is something I want to explore further: the idea of touch (the act of sewing) juxtaposing the faking of touch (the act of posing in photographs).