In terms of being a practicing artist and thinking about my creativity and the way in which I explore that on an artistic basis, I engage with digital mediums primarily. These mediums range from photography, graphic art/design, zine-making, and literature however at this point in time, I am also learning how to use CGI to create work in a digital 3D space. I like to play within all these mediums because my work is essentially, about world-building and the world as it is built – it focuses on the idea of existing within an “ideal” world, but also contests the issues placed within the real world and thus finds space within the real world. The ideal becomes the reality. What is this ‘ideal’ world? Well for me, I see it as one that is accommodating for all within the world. “World peace”, I guess, as tacky as that may sound. However, I also highlight the difficulties of attaining such a world due to how it is and was constructed. I build spaces in the real world, for the ideal world to exist. My work is also built around the concept of identity, particularly with the exploration of identity related to the human, and attempting to highlight and provide a new decolonial gaze to what can be seen as threats towards the Eurocentric, patriarchal, heteronormative and capitalist mode of thought which I believe is running rampant, particularly within the authoritative positions of our society. My work is essentially inverting the gaze of who the ‘threats’ to our society are, and thus is about the liberation of the infinite ways identity can be explored.

DIGITAL Photography, Graphic Design